Best Facebook Bio Examples

Short And Cool Bio For Facebook For Girl & Boys Also

Facebook bio is a space where you can introduce yourself shortly.

But these days people’s not only want to introduce themselves in facebook bio, all are looking for some more interesting bio for facebook.

So we have compiled some cool and short bio for facebook for boy and girls. We hope you all like these fb bio examples.

60 Best Facebook Bio Short And Cool Facebook Bio For Girl & Boys
  • Best Bio For Facebook For Boy :

Yes I am weird, weird is good. Normal is overrated.

I keep ego and attitude always in my pockets so that I can use it when my self-respect and sentiments are being tested by people.

I’m working on myself for myself by myself.

I am not what I ought to be, I am not what I want to be, I am not what I hope to be in another world, but still, I am not what I once used to be, and by the grace of God I am what I am.

If you’re a player, I’m the coach.

I am a tale, I am a book, written in different languages and styles.

I never prove to be good enough.. For every one.. ! But I’m the best for them who understand me. 🙂

There is no competition because nobody can be me.

I never prove to be good enough… For every one…! But I’m the best for them who understand me.

I am trying to find myself. Sometimes that’s not easy.

I don’t aspire to be like others, I aspire to always be unique in my own way.

I can’t go against my nature because I am what I am. I don’t try to be anyone different to who I am.

You’re not gonna tell me who I am. I’m gonna tell you who I am.

My haters are my biggest motivators. Gang up more. Invite others and Motivate me the more.

I have a new theory in life.. what other people think of me is truly none of my business!

  • Short Bio For Facebook For Girl :

I am a girl. I don’t smoke, drink or party every weekend. I don’t sleep around or start a drama to get attention. Yes, we do still exist.

I may not be the best, but I’m definitely not like the rest.

I love being a girl. I love my identity as female, and I would never trade it for the world. Being a GIRL is truly an amazing thing.

I enjoy when people show Attitude to me because it shows that they need an Attitude to impress me!

Dear boys, Please surprise us and text us first..

Never Judge The Beauty Of A Girl By Her Profile Picture.. Judge It By The Photos She Is Tagged In.

Sometimes I wish I was a little girl again because bruised knees heal faster than broken hearts.

Hey dear I have sent you a “Friend Request” Not a “Marriage Proposal” so kindly stop over acting :p

Being a female ain’t easy, you have to always be strong! !

I have no need for people who come to me when they need me, then throw me aside when they’re fine.

Treat me like a queen and I’ll treat you like a king. But If you treat me like a game, I’ll show you how its played.

Every girl deserves to be treated like a princess.

I know my strong points: I work hard, I have talent, I’m funny, and I’m a good person.

I don’t care for people, who don’t care for me.

I’m the GIRL you’ve always wanted…

  • Attitude Bio For Facebook :

Love me or hate me but you will never change me.

I am what I am.. I will never try to be someone else.

Don’t take my kindness as a sign of weakness.

I know I am awesome, so I don’t care about your opinion.

My heart says yes but my mom says no.

Hate me for who I am, I don’t care. At least I’m not pretending to be someone I’m not.

There is no competition because nobody can be me.

The guy with a great sense of humor.

It’s okay if you don’t like me. Not everyone has good taste.

It’s my life, so keep your nose out of it.

I don’t need to explain myself because I know I’m right.

My personality is who I am and my attitude depends on who you are!

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